
European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy

Bao Tuong Diep, Consultant in European projects setup and management

Bao Tuong DIEP is Consultant in European projects setup and management. He is researcher at the French Institute of Administration and Management since September 2021and President of AuNhi Consulting since September 2019.

Bao Tuong DIEP provided two sessions about European Projects Management in December 2021 in AgroParisTech.

First session:
Bao Tuong DIEP focussed on the design, setup, and writing of research and development proposals aimed at responding to calls for proposals. Although most of the examples were centred around EC’s research and development framework programmes, the approach and methods are sufficiently generic to be adopted for other calls.

1. The students learnt how to:
 Analyse a topic
 Differentiate and define the goals, objectives and results of a project
 Structure a project in composing workpackages and sub-tasks
 Build a consortium in terms of excellence, typology and geographical
 Break the budget of a project into workpackage, partners and cost types

2. They were also taught on how to:
 How to understand and describe the different sections and sub-sections of a
proposal: scientific excellence, impact, implementation, consortium, gender
aspects, ethics, etc.
 What writing style to use to make the proposal more convincing

3. The students were proposed to analyse two topics and outline their project proposals:
 A Horizon 2020’s topics on emerging pests and diseases threatening agriculture
or forestry
 A Horizon Europe on artificial intelligence and democracy

Second session:
After reviewing the notions and concepts addressed over the first session, the students were taught on project management.

1. The students learnt the fundamentals of project management:
 Specificities of a project
 The different steps of project management

2. The students learnt how the setup the planning of a project, in particular:
 The differences between extensive and intensive tasks
 The different relationships that may exist between tasks, including start and end conditions
 The differences between milestones, results and deliverables
 How to draw a Gantt chart
 How to draw a Pert diagram
 How to establish a V-model

3. They were also taught on how the role of project management:
 What he/she should be
 Who he/she should not be
 What he/she should do
 What he/she should not do

4. The students were proposed to analyse two topics and outline their project proposals:
 A Horizon 2020’s topics on emerging pests and diseases threatening agriculture or forestry
 A Horizon Europe on artificial intelligence and democracy

- Updated April 2022 -