
European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy

First year


Bioceb offers you a fully integrated Master degree programme. Its modular organisation favors student mobility and international experience while preserving jointness and interconnection between the different possible tracks.

The joint first semester (S1) at URCA:

An induction week organised in Reims the last week of August including: detailed presentation of curriculum and study tracks; presentation of Green Line projects (see below); inspirational lectures; site visit; “integration” trainings (intercultural training); going through administrative issues; social events enabling students to get to know each other and start building a solid network.
 Induction Week 2020
 Induction Week 2021
 Induction Week 2022
 Induction Week 2023

The joint first semester at URCA provides a multidisciplinary scientific knowledge base and a shared culture in the field of agro-resources and their conversion through biorefinery processes.

Syllabus of the first semester at URCA

The second semester (S2) allows the students to enrich their technical and scientific experience with cross-cutting approaches dealing will value-chain sustainability assessment, with specific focus either on economics (AgroParisTech) or on green chemistry principles (TalTech).

Syllabus of the second semester at AgroParisTech

Syllabus of the second semester at TalTech

A Summer School organised in Tallinn at the end of S2 (end of June), during about 7 days, gathering students after a S2 spent in 2 different locations, comprising different activities such as: guest lectures, site visit, soft skills training, 1-day workshop on Green Line projects including oral presentations, S2 course content overview (oral presentation of students detailing key learnings from their S2 to the ones who attended the other S2), and social activities.
 Summer School 2021
 Summer School 2022
 Summer School 2023

- Updated February 2024 -